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Ring dies for granulators and pelletizers

Ring dies

X46Cr13 is the steel symbol for ring dies - a symbol of quality.

Nawrocki Granulation Technologies provides the highest quality production

stainless steel dies for each type of granulators and raw materials. Each die is made exclusively of certified European X46Cr13 steel, which is the standard for professional producers of granulated feed and biomass pellets and other raw materials.


Modern production of matrices

  • Our dies are manufactured with the highest precision of mechanical processing and are hardened in modern and efficient vacuum furnaces.

  • Repeatability of the highest quality is the most important feature that guarantees our customers production and work safety.

  • The ring dies are drilled with gun drills, which produces the much-desired smooth surface of the holes.

  • The latest generation of automatic drilling machines enable obtaining an optimal hole pattern, depending on the granulated raw material.

X46Cr13 steel for dies

We use forgings exclusively from European steel, which guarantees the appropriate structure and mechanical strength. Thanks to the appropriate composition of carbon, chromium, nickel, manganese and vanadium, we obtain alloys that are more resistant to abrasion and wear even with the most difficult raw materials. We control the steel already at the forging stage and reject forgings with defects.

Vacuum hardening of ring dies

The hardening process is the most important stage because the mechanical strength of the dies depends on it. Therefore, the full thermal treatment of the ring dies (hardening and tempering) is performed exclusively in vacuum furnaces in a nitrogen atmosphere. At a temperature of over 1000°C, multi-stage heating is controlled by a computer. Thanks to this thermal treatment process, we obtain ideal hardness at the level of the molecular structure, smoothness on the entire surface and minimal distortion. Therefore, our dies wear evenly and work longer, thus reducing production costs.

Control and ensuring repeatable quality of matrices

All dies undergo rigorous inspection before they leave our warehouse. Each die is marked with a unique number and is checked according to a special procedure. Dimensions and hardness are checked. Repeatable precision of mechanical processing is ensured by the use of CNC machines with an accuracy of a hundredth of a millimeter. Matrices approved for sale are packed in safety tapes and boxes or pallets ensuring safety during transport.


Designing dies for difficult raw materials.

By purchasing dies and other consumables at NPT, you gain access to forty years of experience.

We know how to select a die design for various raw materials, from animal feed, forest and agricultural biomass, to exotic ones such as sewage sludge and digestate from biogas plants.

Together with the users of our dies, we have created a huge knowledge base on which our designers and technologists rely.

You can also use it and earn more on perfectly parameterized consumables.

Raw material tests and selection of matrix parameters

It is worth subjecting unpopular raw materials to granulation tests before purchasing dies. This applies to new mixtures and recipes, as well as raw materials with different moisture levels.

Our services include comprehensive granulation tests. They allow you to examine the behavior of the raw material depending on the matrix parameters and the fragmentation and moisture content of the raw material. The results allow us to estimate the efficiency of the granulator for the test matrix and raw material, the optimal degree of accumulation for a given hole diameter. We are also able to determine the rate of wear of the rollers and the matrix.

We perform tests on our granulators, for which we have a set of dies with a diameter of holes fi6 (others as well). For the test, one big-bag of raw material (approx. 1.5 m3) with a moisture content of 12%-15% and a fineness of 0.1-5.0 mm is usually sufficient. We also test raw materials with other parameters - we agree on the possibilities and details in advance. The test may be subject to a fee.

After the test, our Clients receive information on the characteristics of their raw material, granulate samples with comments and, of course, the matrix parameters recommended by us.

Optimal distribution and number of holes and efficiency

When the raw material is pressed by the rollers into the matrix holes, the spaces between the holes offer great resistance. This is the cause of lower efficiency and high power consumption.

The unique design distinguishes our dies from others offered on the market. The quality of the granulate and the throughput (efficiency) of the granulator are related to both the power and the optimal pattern of the hole layout.

Our hole layout pattern guarantees efficiency up to 20% higher compared to dies with a standard layout.

In combination with a perfectly selected angle of the inlet cones and the expansion part, our dies exert less force on the raw material, reduce power consumption and reduce the risk of granulator clogging.

Check out our dies optimized for durability and efficiency.

The number of holes is important for efficiency, as is their layout. Always ask your suppliers for information on the number of holes and the working width of the die. Many die suppliers reduce these values ​​in order to reduce production costs. Such dies are cheaper to buy, but more expensive to operate due to lower efficiency. Do not buy dies with a low number of holes - it is not worth it.

Czy jesteś gotowy na nową erę w produkcji granulatów? Firma Nawrocki oferuje innowacyjne matryce pierścieniowe, które zrewolucjonizują sposób, w jaki produkuje się pellety i pasze granulowane. Każdy model jest wykonany z wysokogatunkowej stali X46Cr13, która dzięki swojej wyjątkowej wytrzymałości mechanicznej i odporności na ścieranie, zapewnia długotrwałą i efektywną pracę. Hartowanie próżniowe oraz szczegółowa kontrola jakości to tylko niektóre z zaawansowanych technik, które gwarantują najwyższą jakość i powtarzalność produktów.

NPT Nawrocki – matryce pierścieniowe do granulatorów i peleciarek

Nasza firma to nie tylko dostawca, ale także partner w optymalizacji procesów produkcyjnych. Oferujemy szeroki zakres testów granulowania, które pozwalają zidentyfikować najefektywniejsze parametry pracy matryc dla różnych rodzajów surowców. Dzięki temu klienci mogą dostosować procesy do swoich specyficznych potrzeb, co przekłada się na wyższą wydajność produkcji i obniżenie kosztów operacyjnych.

Firma Nawrocki wykorzystuje także najnowsze technologie w projektowaniu matryc, co umożliwia optymalne rozmieszczenie otworów, zwiększając wydajność granulatorów nawet o 20% w porównaniu do standardowych rozwiązań. To połączenie innowacyjności, jakości i wsparcia technicznego sprawia, że Nawrocki jest liderem na rynku technologii granulowania. W przypadku dodatkowych pytań i wątpliwości zachęcamy do kontaktu z naszymi ekspertami.

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