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Regeneration of flat and ring dies for pelletizing and granulating machines

Matrix Regeneration

Don't throw away your matrices - regenerate them and give them a second life.

Regeneration of the matrix extends its service life, which results in an increase in its value and a reduction in production costs. In the process of matrix regeneration, we clean it from raw material, grind and level the working surface, remove metal inclusions and renew the insertion cones. These activities make the matrix look and work practically like new.


Services related to flat and ring dies

  • regeneration of the working surface,

  • reduction of the degree of accumulation,

  • repair of the working surface damaged by metals,

  • renovation of inlet cones,

  • redesign of inlet cones,

Regeneration of the matrix extends its service life, which results in an increase in its value and a reduction in production costs. In the process of matrix regeneration, we clean it of raw material, grind and level the working surface, remove metal inclusions and renew the insertion cones. These activities make the matrix look and work practically like new.


Regeneration of dies means

  • extension of service life,

  • increase in throughput and efficiency,

  • increase in granulate quality,

  • reduction in production costs,

Economics of matrix regeneration

Statistically, 90% of our Customers to whom we supply dies order their regeneration at least once. Regeneration of a properly used matrix makes economic sense because it extends its useful life by about 50% - 60%. The cost is within the range of a maximum of 17% - 22% of the value of a new matrix and this justifies regeneration.


Other Customers, due to internal policy and the specifics of their production, use the matrices to a state in which regeneration will not bring any benefits and scrap such a matrix.


How many times can a matrix be regenerated?
The most reasonable solution is to use the matrix in such a way that it is regenerated only once. This results in extending the matrix operation by about 50-60% and only one regeneration cost. Then the work efficiency is the highest. This requires the granulator operators to work in a high culture and precisely set the rollers in relation to the matrix. It is very important to set the scrapers correctly so that the raw material falls precisely and evenly under the rollers, so that they wear evenly over the entire working length.


When should the matrix be regenerated?

If you observe the following symptoms, the matrix requires regeneration:

  • increased amperage (current load),

  • decreased efficiency,

  • lower quality granulate,

  • more dust fraction.

If the matrix has already been regenerated once, be sure to contact us to check whether another regeneration is still possible.


Regeneration of matrices and oversize rollers
In the case of significant damage to the matrix, we often have to reduce the thickness of the working surface by up to 4 - 6 mm. Such an increase in the internal diameter may require the use of oversize rollers. This happens when the gap between the regenerated matrix and the rollers is so large that the nominal rollers do not achieve the necessary approximation to the matrix. In such cases, we use oversize rollers with a larger external diameter.


Reduction of the accumulation degree

In the event of a sudden change in the raw material parameters (e.g. composition of the feed mixture, composition of RDF/SRF components, etc.), the installed matrices cease to fulfill their function. Their efficiency decreases, as does the quality. In many cases, such a matrix requires a shortened working length of the holes, which shortens the raw material pressing path. In addition, the granulator power consumption is reduced, the granulate does not burn and the temperature of the granulation process decreases.

Matrix damage analysis

Before we undertake matrix regeneration, we initially assess the feasibility of this service. Some matrices are not suitable for regeneration because the degree of accumulation could be reduced to values that would prevent granulate production.

Is there a cost-effective method for maintaining the efficiency of pellet mills? The answer is flat and ring die regeneration, a service offered by NPT Nawrocki, which has both economic and operational benefits.

Regeneration of flat and ring dies for pelletizing and granulating machines

NPT Nawrocki has over two decades of experience in die regeneration, adapting its services to the needs of a wide range of granulation equipment. During the regeneration process, the components are thoroughly cleaned of any remaining raw material. This is essential, especially if they have not been previously preserved with a special mixture. Such cleaning is more time-consuming and expensive, but is necessary to restore the production properties of the dies. In addition, grinding and leveling the working surface, removing metal inclusions and renewing the insertion cones restore the dies to a condition close to new.

Reducing the working width of the die and regenerating the working surface are just some of the available options that can be performed as part of the regeneration process. These interventions allow for increasing the throughput and quality of the produced granulate, which directly affects the reduction of production costs. Statistics from Nawrocki indicate that the regeneration of dies is economically justified, because the cost of such a service is only 17% to 25% of the value of a new die, which is a significant saving. Our experience allows for the optimization of production processes and adaptation of dies to specific customer needs.

Dies refurbishing

Dies can be regenerated and their service life extended, which reduces production costs.

Change of the degree of accumulation

If your matrix is burning pellets, we can "lighten" it and make it produce the correct pellets.

Selection of matrix parameters

Based on over forty years of experience in granulating various raw materials, we will select the appropriate matrix parameters

Dies repair

We remove broken pins, screws, and fasteners. We clean the dies from metal debris.

Reduction of working width

We will reduce the working width of the die by excluding the outer rows of holes from production.

We also produce rollers

We produce long-life rollers for your dies with curved, hole and straight treads.

  • ATEX

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Nawrocki Sp. z o. o.
Pelleting Technology

T: 509 930 307


88-400 Znin, ul. Szpitalna 20, Poland

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