Micronizers for soy and cereals.
Micronizing cereals. Micronizates. Micronizate.
Reduction of anti-nutritional components.
Micronizer. Micronizer. Micronizing UK.
Micronization of cereals
The highest level of feed purity thanks to sterilization
High quality requirements for granulated feeds, the number of threats caused by new recipes, new ingredients and the differentiation of suppliers force the use of a sterilization process in the production of feeds. The Design Team of Nawrocki sp. z o. o. designed a series of vertical and horizontal sterilizers that effectively eliminate unwanted bacteria, fungi and other harmful substances.

The main advantage of micronization is the possibility of using many cereals for the treatment of controlled starch gelatinization, which leads to increased digestibility and efficiency when fed to animals. EU directives emphasize the observance of an appropriate diet for piglets, providing restrictive standards.
Micronization is a thermal processing procedure for food and feed raw materials and involves exposing whole or previously peeled or crushed cereal seeds, oil seeds, post-extraction meals and other feed materials to infrared radiation with a wavelength of 1.8-3.4 µm in a relatively short time, which results in significant changes in the physical and chemical properties of the processed materials.
The action of infrared radiation causes the molecules that make up the material to excite them, causing them to vibrate intensely, which in turn causes friction, a very rapid increase in temperature and water vapour pressure inside the particles of the material being processed.
Water vapor in the material is created as a result of its rapid heating. The temperature of the processed material increases within 50 seconds to 90°C, and after 90 seconds to 110-130°C and higher (with longer exposure to radiation to 230-250°C).
The effect of such a high temperature is short-lived, usually lasting 45-90 seconds, depending on the type of material being processed. For example, cereal grain is exposed to radiation for about 50 seconds, which is sufficient for the starch to gelatinize in the grains. After leaving the micronizer, the material is cooled and very often flaked (crushed).
Micronizing belongs to the group of processes called HTST (high temperature – short time), the material is heated for several dozen seconds to a high temperature (above 130°C) and then cooled.
In micronized feed materials, the level of total protein does not change substantially. However, as with most heat treatments, the amount of digestible protein increases, i.e. the part of the protein that is absorbed and used for the needs of the animal's body .
Generally, it can be assumed that the level of digestible protein in micronized feed materials can increase by up to about 10%, and in the case of components with a high content of total protein, the increase in the level of digestible protein can be even higher. The increase in the level of total protein is related to the effect of high temperature, which destroys double bonds (between amino acids), but is not able to destroy bonds within amino acids, which causes the breakdown of the protein structure without damaging the amino acid molecules.
High micronization temperature additionally influences the occurrence of protein denaturation effect, which is particularly useful in the processing of oil seeds, their cakes and post-extraction meals and increases the absorption of nutrients.

Detailed information
Fill out the form and find out how micronization can significantly increase your competitive advantage by increasing feed digestibility.
Additionally, you will receive full information on the advantages of micronization, deactivation of antinutritional substances, soy processing, process costs.

Cooling and cleaning
Micronizing and flaking